One of the key objectives of the Ad-PHS project is the improved access to Tailored Guidance (TG) for public authorities and key stakeholders interested in developing the PHS sector. By tailored guidance, we refer to a set of thematic guidelines which have been developed as part of the project to provide information and guidance to actors developing PHS activities and policies.
It is essential for these guidelines to be:
⇒ In-depth and well-researched, as the stakeholders require accurate advice for such crucial sectors;
⇒ Grounded in sound conceptual frameworks, achieved through the desk research conducted by the consortium as part of other deliverables such as the State of Play report;
⇒ Based on proven experiences, as these guidelines, together with the Promising practices report, have been developed based on events in various countries with advanced PHS policies;
⇒ Practically-oriented, so as to provide concrete information about good practices, but also about potential challenges and key elements to consider;
⇒ Adaptable to various contexts, which is one of the key objectives of the workshops organized throughout the Ad-PHS project.
In order to ensure that the guidelines cover a range of pertinent themes, the following topics are covered:
⇒ Development of social dialogue structures in PHS
⇒ Development service voucher systems
⇒ Development of professional profiles
⇒ Evaluation of rights and obligations of stakeholders
⇒ Development of digital platforms & networks
⇒ Development of workers cooperatives
In addition to these thematic guidelines, we have also produced a document collecting Promising Practices in the PHS sectors. These practices have been identified in the various countries targeted by the project and are structured throughout the document according to the six themes of the thematic guidelines.
Discover clicking below the English version of the TGs or find it in your own language on the Country Profiles!