Slovenia is a post-socialist country, which has started the development of its PHS sector al-ready during the transition process, by retraining unemployed textile workers for care jobs. However, the bulk of the care and household-related work continues to performed informally, by family members and neighbours, in the unpaid sphere. This is stimulated by public policies that emphasize family care, thus relocating care for the elderly into the private sphere and encouraging the development of commercial services.
Slovenija je postsocialistična država, ki je sektor osebnih in gospodinjskih storitev začela razvijati že med tranzicijskim postopkom, ko so bili brezposelnih tekstilni delavci prekvalificirani za izvajanje oskrbe. Kljub temu glavnino del, povezanih z oskrbo in gospodinjsko pomočjo, še vedno opravijo družinski člani in sosedje v neformalnem okviru in v brezplačni sferi. To spodbujajo javne politike, ki poudarjajo družinsko oskrbo, zaradi česar skrb za starejše postane del zasebne sfere, poleg tega pa se s tem podpira tudi razvoj komercialnih storitev.
List of PHS Stakeholders
Association Social Economy Slovenia
Chamber of Social services
Ministry of Health - Directorate for long-term care
Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities o
Home care Institution Ljubljana
TOTI DCA daily center Maribor
Union of personal assistants
Union of asbestos patient trade unions
The Association of Societies for Social Gerontology of Slovenia
Institute for economic research
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Contact Reference: Diesis Network ,