
Ireland’s policies towards Personal and Household Services were being reshaped during the time of the investigation. This implied a change in the role of state, away from being the main provider of services to becoming the central regulatory authority, steering the provision of services by a broad range of actors.

So far, the needs in the PHS sector in Ireland were covered by public services mainly targeting specific dependent groups, supplemented by informal services directly contracted by private households. Therefore the main challenges consist in bringing together the different targeted instruments within a unitary framework and enlarging the scope of their activities, creating incentives for private households to formalise employment relationships and implementing quality management both with regards to the procedures to be followed within the context of PHS provision and with regards to employee training and qualification. This transition process is embedded in a social dialogue between the state, employer representatives and trade unions, with the goal of reaching a cross party agreement.

Additionally, innovative practices already successful in other countries, such as the Dutch inspired EU-supported „My fair home“-program were being introduced.

List of the stakeholders

Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI)

Migrant Rights Centre, Ireland, (Non-Governmental Organisation, Dublin)

SIPTU, Health Division, (Trade Union, Dublin)

Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU)

Health Service Executive,

Contact Reference: UNI EUROPA, Mark Bergfeld