Ad-PHS project’s workshop in Luxembourg
The Luxembourg workshop organized by the European federation for family employment and home care (EFFE), partner of the Ad-PHS project, took place on December 5th 2019 in the premises of the Permanent representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg.
Several stakeholders from the PHS sector were able to give their feedback on the situation in Luxembourg and share good practices of their organizations. The meeting gathered representants from:
- The EC in Luxembourg
- DG Empl
- Service providers at European level (EFSI)
- Service providers
- Ministry of Labour
- Social partners from the care & non care sector
Participants thus completed and validated the country fiche while insisting on the specificity of the Luxembourg situation. They underlined that because of the population’s high living standards, long term care insurance is covering most of the care needs. However, in household-related non-care PHS, undocumented work continues to be culturally accepted.
They also provided details about the creation of tax deductions and a simplified administrative procedure for direct employment of domestic workers which have been introduced in order to facilitate a transition from undeclared work to formal employment for households. Trade unions participants also underlined that many domestic workers are undocumented and therefore underpaid and suffer from a lot of abuses. Therefore, stakeholders stressed the importance of the implementation of a specific social dialogue on domestic work.